
ADS-RFQ accelerator cavity

RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) cavity is the core component of Accelerator Driven sub-critical System (ADS), which is designed with a four - wing structure as the key part of intense-beam proton accelerators. After overcoming all key technologies, the company developed RFQ cavity with excellent quality and advanced technology for ADS project.

Four-wing RFQ
CaFe-RFQ (1)
CaFe-RFQ (2)
Four-bar RFQ
Four-bar RFQ and DTL
DTL high frequency cavity
High precision electromagnet

High precision electromagnet is the product representing our company's characteristic technology, which is mainly used by scientific research institutes and universities at home and abroad for physical experiments and industrial production. Currently, the demand for high precision electromagnets in aerospace, military industry, energy, electric vehicles and other sectors is also increasing, showing a broad social need and market prospect.

φ140 L200, L350 quadrupole magnet
Supplier Appreciation Award -MSU
Fast pulse dipole magnet
Septum magnet
Vacuum cavity

After long-term technology accumulation, the company has mastered the key process of vacuum cavity under ultra-high / high vacuum applications and can design and make the vacuum cavity for different applications.

Beam blocker

The device is designed with the pneumatic drive control mode to block the main beam and protect personal when the beam enters the therapy room abnormally.

ADS-superconducting accelerated niobium cavity

RF superconducting accelerated niobium cavity is an essential part of electron accelerator and ADS for acceleration of high energy and intense particle beam. The Spoke superconducting cavity and ellipsoidal superconducting accelerating cavity which are developed by the company after overcoming a number of key technologies have reliable quality.

Single-cell superconducting niobium cavity
Spoke superconducting test cavity
主站蜘蛛池模板: 衡水市| 怀柔区| 垣曲县| 延吉市| 陈巴尔虎旗| 石渠县| 永德县| 开原市| 浦江县| 育儿| 武川县| 石棉县| 定西市| 江陵县| 旺苍县| 临邑县| 建水县| 汪清县| 新绛县| 新密市| 乐亭县| 伊春市| 沙坪坝区| 天峨县| 潍坊市| 嘉善县| 广河县| 海宁市| 汪清县| 云浮市| 余庆县| 汝阳县| 鹿泉市| 中方县| 恩施市| 万山特区| 平顺县| 贡嘎县| 闵行区| 城口县| 上饶市|